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Sustainability, Community, Purpose.

Stay tuned for some exciting new updates and the re-launch of our online store!


What We Do

Everything we’re doing is with an eye firmly planted on helping businesses and regular humans reduce waste. Check out our projects below.


Online Store

Our newly revamped online store is focused around our key principles of sustainability, community, and purpose. We’ve brought in a ton of awesome new items that can help you reduce waste, make some green(ish) choices, and we’re working with businesses that are doing great things to earn your support.


Subscription Box

The original Greenish Subscription Box program has come to an end as of December 2021, after two amazing years and eight quarterly instalments. We’re working on some fun new ways of thinking about sustainability, so check back with us often and follow us on Instagram for the latest updates!

Shipyards Retail

Check us out at the Muskoka Wharf in Gravenhurst! Everything we have is aimed at helping you reduce waste in your daily life. We’re constantly adding cool new stuff. We think that products that can help you reduce waste can also look great and be a lot of fun. Our focus is Canadian and local whenever we can.


Full sustainability evaluations for businesses large and small, as well as home evaluations. We can help you achieve your waste reduction goals in an easy, approachable way. And it’s not just warm and fuzzy, we’re in this to try to save you money (and time) wherever we can. We believe that you CAN have it all!

“It’s not easy being green”
isn’t a thing anymore. Kermit lied to you.


Reducing waste is easier than you think. We promise.

And, we’re here to help you get there.

Sustainability for your home or business can happen one step at a time.

GREENish is a boutique sustainability firm with an eye firmly planted on helping you make green(er) choices in your home, at your business, or anywhere else in your day to day life.

Doing the right thing doesn't have to be hard. It can actually be pretty fun.

Join us on the sweet ride to the future.

Who are we, you might ask. Well, we’re Adam and Sean. Click the button for more!

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We want to hear from you.

Reach out to us anytime. We’re pretty approachable, most days.

Drop us a line at or, or click the button below to fill out a fancy form if that’s more your style.

We want to hear whatever you have to say. If there’s something you need and it looks like we don’t offer it (yet), reach out. If you think you might have a partnership opportunity, we’re definitely into that, too. Actually, let’s just say this: if you have any feedback at all, get in touch. We’re all in this together, aren’t we?

The bottom line for us is that we’re very open to suggestion, and we want to work with anyone and everyone to help make a positive impact.

Check out our social channels, and take a look at our blog, too:

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