Talking (a lot) About Single Use Plastics

As usual, we had some things to say. Click the image for the pdf!

As usual, we had some things to say. Click the image for the pdf!

We’ve got something here that we’d really like to share with you that we think will give you a good idea of who we are, where we’re coming from, and the type of product that you can expect from us.

Before we formally launched, the City of Toronto offered an opportunity for input into their strategy to reduce single-use and takeaway items within their jurisdiction. We thought this was a great chance for us to put some ideas down on paper (well, on a PDF) and submit them as a bit of an introduction to our general line of thinking when it comes to these single-use items (other than the obvious fact that we don’t like them).

It also helped us formulate more of our business plan and to begin to carve out our identity as a company, which was (selfishly) great for us.

This is a pretty big issue, and we provided ten (10!) action items that we think would really help to make a difference. While this submission was Toronto-specific, we believe that the guiding principles that it contains could have a real impact in large cities, small towns, and everything in between.

Anyway, here is the link to the PDF… and as always, we’d love to hear what you have to say. Any and all feedback is welcome.



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